Employment Impacts of a Large-Scale Deep Building Energy Retrofit Programme in Poland - Executive Summary

TitleEmployment Impacts of a Large-Scale Deep Building Energy Retrofit Programme in Poland - Executive Summary
Publication TypeReport
AuthorsÜrge-Vorsatz, D., Sergio Tirado-Herrero, Ela Wójcik-Gront, Elena Labzina, and Paul Foley
Refereed DesignationDoes Not Apply
Editorfor and Policy, Center Climate Change Sustainable Energy, and European Climate Foundation
InstitutionCenter for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy
Publisher linkhttp://3csep.ceu.hu/sites/default/files/publications/execsummemplimpacts-of-large-scale-deep-bldg-retrofit-prg-in-poland_1.pdf
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
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