Can Stock Market Investors Hedge Energy Risk? Evidence from Asia

TitleCan Stock Market Investors Hedge Energy Risk? Evidence from Asia
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsBatten, Jonathan A., Harald Kinateder, Peter G. Szilagyi, and Niklas F. Wagner
Journal titleEnergy Economics

​The relationship between energy and stock prices is investigated in the context of Asia, including China and Japan. Oil, gas and coal prices are considered both individually and as an energy portfolio. Consistent with evidence from international markets, during the post Global Financial Crisis (GFC) period, Asian stock markets moved in tandem with oil prices. However, using asset pricing and portfolio theory, we identify a time-varying integration between individual stock markets and the energy portfolio, which in turn may limit the benefit of risk reduction through diversification. This relation can also be used to hedge the common factor arising from energy risk. Doing so provides benefits to investors in the form of positive time-varying risk adjusted returns.

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Department of Economics and Business