Business start-ups or disguised unemployment? Evidence on the character of self-employment from transition economies

TitleBusiness start-ups or disguised unemployment? Evidence on the character of self-employment from transition economies
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsEarle, J. S., and Z. Sakova
Journal titleLabour Economics
Pages575 - 601

We study the character of self-employment, drawing upon household survey evidence from six transition economies. Multinomial-logit analysis distinguishing employers from own-account self-employed and comparing both groups to employees and unemployed finds that own-account status is intermediate in most characteristics; tests reject the pooling of any of these categories. Selectivity-bias-corrected earnings premia are large for employers and smaller for own-account. A structural polychotomous model shows that employers respond strongly to predicted earnings premia in all countries, while the own-account response is estimated to be negative, supporting the interpretation that individuals may be pushed into own-account status by lack of work opportunities.


September; Business Start-ups or Disguised Unemployment? Evidence on the Character of Self-Employment from Transition Economies; Journal Article; 2000

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Department of Economics and Business