Assessment of policy instruments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings

Project status: 

The project aimed to compare different policy tools for increasing energy efficiency in buildings (such as building codes, energy efficiency obligations, subsidies, information campaigns etc.) according to their effectiveness in emission reduction, cost-effectiveness, success conditions and other criteria. After collecting relevant information about existing policies in as many countries as possible and integration of the collected information into the existing database, the aim was to identify the most successful policies and their success conditions. The assessment was based on case studies of implemented policy instruments from over 50 countries.

As second part of the project, an online Quick Scan Tool has been developed to assist decision makers on various levels of government in creating policy packages consisting of the assessed policy instruments. The aim is to help them create policy packages that are most appropriate to their local context. The Quick Scan Tool helps decision makers in identifying their policy goals (in this way also assisting in pairing energy efficiency measures with priority areas of the government). It contributes to identifying barriers that they will face related to implementation of these measures, and the specific characteristics of the relevant jurisdiction/state/country that are related to energy efficiency policies.

Key outputs:

Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
Veronika Czakó
Sonja Koeppel
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)
Administrative Information
Funding body: 
Feb, 2007 - Mar, 2009