Employment Impacts of a Large-scale Deep Building Energy Retrofit Programme in Hungary

Project status: 

Please download detailed and summarized reports of the project results here:

Full final report in English (158 pages)

Teljes jelentés magyar nyelven (in Hungarian)

Technical summary in English (27 p.)

Technikai összefoglaló magyar nyelven (in Hungarian)

Executive summary in English (7 p.)

Vezetői összefoglaló magyar nyelven (in Hungarian)

The objective of the project was to produce a report estimating the potential net employment impacts of a large-scale building energy retrofit programme in Hungary. While it is clear that such a programme would generate a substantial reduction of energy consumption in the country, this report quantifies an important co-benefit that can provide a new entry to the policy-making processes – the one on employment. A large-scale deep renovation programme in Hungary will create substantial net employment benefits, the structure of which has a positive net effect on the impact of the labour market on national and social development goals such as regional development, and is in line with EU priorities such as advancing the targets set out in the Lisbon Strategy.

The project proposes different scenarios for the renovation programme, differentiated by the yearly rate of renovations and the depth of the retrofits. Up-scaled case studies and macroeconomic tools such as Input-Output Analysis are used to estimate direct, indirect and induced impacts of the building energy retrofit programme on employment in Hungary.

The final report includes a set of estimates related to the retrofit programme: investments involved, forecasted reduction in energy consumption and carbon emissions, qualitative and quantitative estimates of the net impacts of the intervention on the Hungarian labour market.

The project was commissioned by the Energy Efficiency Programme of the European Climate Foundation.

The final report on the project results is now available for download at the top of this page, together with the technical summary and the executive summary (in English and Hungarian). The slides from the public presentation held at CEU on June 8, 2010, and a short presentation to the European Union's ministers of housing in Toledo on June 21, 2010, are available for download below.

On June 24, 2010, the Hungarian government announced a large-scale programme to support complex renovations of Hungarian residential and public buildings from 2011, integrating key recommendations from this research project. For more information, please follow this link (in Hungarian).

Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
Daniele Arena
Sergio Tirado Herrero
Andrew Butcher
Álmos Telegdy
Sándor Fegyverneky
Tamás Csoknyai
Research Assistant(s): 
Alexandra Jankó
Research Assistant(s): 
Éva Kőpataki
European Climate Foundation
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)
Administrative Information
Funding body: 
European Climate Foundation
Feb, 2010 - Jun, 2010