Publications of Szczerbiak, A.

Sitter N. The European Question and the Norwegian Party System since 1961: The Freezing of a Modern Cleavage or Contingent Opposition? In: Taggart P, Szczerbiak A, editors. Opposing Europe? : the comparative party politics of Euroscepticism. Vol 1. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press; 2008.
Sitter N, Batory A. Protectionism, Populism, or Participation? Agrarian Parties and the European Question in Western and East Central Europe. In: Taggart P, Szczerbiak A, editors. Opposing Europe? : the comparative party politics of Euroscepticism. Vol 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2008. p. 52-75.
Batory A. Euroscepticism in the Hungarian party system : Voices from the Wilderness? In: Taggart P, Szczerbiak A, editors. Opposing Europe? : The comparative party politics of Euroscepticism. Vol 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2008. p. 263-76.


Reviews books on Europe-Asia studies. 'Political Parties in Post-Communist Eastern Europe,' by Paul G. Lewis; 'Uncivil Society? Contentious Politics in Post-Communist Europe,' edited Petr Kopecky and Cas Mudde; 'Baltic Media in Transition,' edited Peeter Vihalemm; 'Evolution of the Hungarian Economy, 1848-1998'; 'Postcommunist Transformation and the Social Sciences: Cross Disciplinary Approaches,' edited by Frank Bonker, Klaus Muller and Andreas Pickel.