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Between Regulation and Competition: Hard and Soft Resistance to Europeanisation in the Financial Services and Defence Sector. sandvi: The Norwegian School of Management BI; 2004.
The Governance of Telecommunications in the European Union. In: Campanella M, editor. EU economic governance and globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; 2003.
Norges deltakelse i Schengen samarbeidet: Vurderinger og anbefalinger. Sandvika: The Norwegian School of Management BI; 2003.
Defence Procurement in the European Union?. Sandvika: The Norwegian School of Management BI; 2002. Abstract
Defence Procurement in the European Union?
Despite considerable efforts to integrate, or at least co-ordinate, defence procurement in the European Union, progress has been modest. Although some initiatives have been developed recently, the prospects for a common defence procurement policy remain remote.
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