Publications of Judit Sándor

Sándor J. Az emberi test fogalma és árnyalatai a biotechnológia jogi szabályozásának tükrében. In: Levente Tattay, Anett Pogácsa SM, editor. Pro Vita Et Scientia Ünnepi kötet Jobbágyi Gábor 65. születésnapja alkalmából. Budapest; 2012. p. 265-78.
Sándor J. Bioethics and Basic Rights: Persons, Humans, and Boundaries of Life. In: Rosenfeld M, Sajó A, editors. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012. p. 1142-65.
Sándor J. Az eutanázia mint politikai kérdés. In: Filó M, editor. Párbeszéd a halálról: Eutanázia a jogrend peremén . Budapest: Literatura Medica Kiadó; 2011. p. 83-95.
Sándor J, Bárd P. The question of anonymity and privacy in biobanking. In: Lenk C, Sándor J, Gordijn B, editors. Biobanks and tissue research: The public, the patient and the regulation. Dordrecht: Springer; 2011. p. 213-30.
Bárd P, Sándor J. Anonymisation and Pseudonymisation as Means of Privacy Protection. In: Beier K, Schnorrer S, Hoppe N, Lenk C, editors. The Ethical and Legal Regulation of Human Tissue and Biobank Research in Europe Proceedings of the Tiss.EU Project . Göttingen, Germany: Göttingen, Universitätverlag ; 2011. p. 25-43.
Sándor J. A Retórica Legal Em Torno da Reprodução. In: Silva S, Veloso L, editors. Representações jurídicas das tecnologias reprodutivas: contributos para uma reflexão. Porto: Universade do Porto; 2009. p. 21-45.
Sándor J. From Private to Public? Legal Concepts of the Right to Privacy and Ownership in the Regulation of Biobanks. In: Dierickx K, Borry P, editors. New Challenges for Biobanks: Ethics, Law and Governance. Antwerp: Intersentia ; 2009. p. 123-37.
Bioetika az UNESCO-ban szöveggyűjtemény. Sándor J, Demény E, editors. Budapest: Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine; 2008.
Sándor J. Ombudspersons and Patients' Rights Representatives in Hungary. In: Mackenney S, Fallberg L, editors. Protecting Patients' Rights? Oxon: Radcliff Medical Press ; 2004. p. 55-76.
Sándor J. Hungary: Medical Law. the Hague: Kluwer Law International ; 2003.