Opportunities for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Action in an Economic Crisis: Catalysing a Green Recovery

October 20, 2009 - 09:30 - 17:00
Event type: 
Event audience: 
Open to the Public
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
Harry Verhaar (Philips Corp.)
And many others

The conference aims to catalyse a green recovery from economic crisis in Hungary and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe through the identification of opportunities as well as highlighting of recent best practices in climate change action, with a focus on sustainable energy.

Particular emphasis will be on presenting cutting-edge best practices both initiated by voluntary action as well as visionary policies, with speakers representing businesses, municipalities, NGOs and government as the key actors in climate change mitigation action. Two dedicated workshops in the afternoon, on policy challenges and financing opportunities for energy efficiency, will provide deeper insights into these important issues.

The presentations from this conference are now available online.

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