Environmental and Energy Studies

Environmental Studies: Environmental policy, governance and management. Environmental justice. Environment and security. Sustainable development. Climate change. Environment, markets and democracy. Environment and livelihoods
Energy Studies: Sustainable energy policies and practices including on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Energy governance at the national and global level. Energy security. Future energy scenarios.

Establishment Of The International Ural Sturgeon Park To Secure Sturgeon Conservation

Lagutov, V.. "Establishment Of The International Ural Sturgeon Park To Secure Sturgeon Conservation." In 6th International Symposium on Sturgeons. Wuhan, 2009.
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
Environmental Systems Laboratory

Sustainable transboundary watershed management: the Ural River case

Lagutov, V.. "Sustainable transboundary watershed management: the Ural River case." In World Water Week. Stockholm: Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI, 2009.
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
Environmental Systems Laboratory
PhD Candidate
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy

Naira Harutyunyan is a PhD Candidate at the CEU Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, conducting research on privatization of public services in Armenia. She holds her MSc in Cooperation and Development from University Institute of Advanced Studies (Italy), MSc in Environmental Sciences and Policy from the Central European University (Hungary), and MSc in Management of Economic Systems from Yerevan University of Management and Informatics. Naira has worked at various research and policy entities, as well as the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development and the Armenian Development Agency. She also has an extensive work experience within Armenian NGOs. Her research area includes climate change adaptation and mitigation, privatization of public services, water, carbon markets, clean development mechanism (CDM), energy efficiency, and renewables. She is widely published in the area, recently co-authoring the UNEP GEO-5, IEA Energy Efficiency Governance Handbook, etc. She is also active in professional scientific organizations, such as Armenian Environmental Network and Policy Forum Armenia serving as a member of the Research Committee.

Global Amphibian Assessment

Global Amphibian Assessment. IUCN, Conservation International, and NatureServe, 2004.

Towards bridging worldviews in biodiversity conservation: understanding the Tsonga concept of ntumbuloko in South Africa

Anthony, Brandon P., Sylvia Abonyi, Petra Terblanche, and A. Watt. "Towards bridging worldviews in biodiversity conservation: understanding the Tsonga concept of ntumbuloko in South Africa." In Research in Biodiversity - Models and Applications, edited by Igor Ya. Pavlinov, 3-24. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Open Access Publishing, 2011.
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Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
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