Publications of A. Watt

Environmental values in post-socialist Hungary: Is it useful to distinguish egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values?

In this article the authors examine whether the significance of biospheric values as a separate cluster next to egoistic and altruistic values is mainly a Western European phenomenon or whether biospheric values are also endorsed as a value in its own right in post-socialist Hungary. In twondifferent samples (N = 856 and N = 840), the multi-group method revealed that egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values can be distinguished empirically in Hungary. Their findings suggest that Hungarians not only care for nature and the environment as such, but that these values are translated into feelings of moral obligation to protect the environment: biospheric values strongly helped to explain personal norms towards various environmental behaviours. The authors’ results suggest that bisopheric values are relevant for understanding environmental beliefs, norms and actions in Hungary. Keywords: biospheric values, environmental values, pro-environmental behaviour, sociology and environment, Hungary

Molodikova I, Watt A. Borderland of EU: concepts of development and realities of life (Case of Eastern Neighborhood of EU). In: Migratory processes in Europe: evolution of the migratory interactions of the EU and Central and Eastern European countries. Ukraine: Odessa University; 2010.
Farsang A, Watt A. The relevance of barriers to energy behaviour changes among end consumers and households. In: Sustainable consumption conference 2009. Budapest: Corvinus University; 2009. p. 96-7. (Proceedings of the Sustainable Consumption Conference 2009).

Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms in an enlarged EU: will they make a difference?

What potential effect do flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol have on energy efficiency, fuel switching and the development of renewable energy sources for the eight post-communist EU Member States that accessed in 2004? These countries are chief candidates for hosting Joint Implementation (JI) projects and for participating in international emission trading, which may assist the implementation and financing of projects in these target areas. The potentials and barriers to Joint Implementation are reviewed, as well as the conditions under which international emission trading can influence the energy use of the selling country. Different strategies adopted by the host countries towards the application of these instruments, and their impact on sustainable energy development, are examined. The article concludes that the Kyoto flexibility mechanisms may play a positive, but rather limited, role in the sustainable energy development of the region, but the barriers to Joint Implementation may shift the emphasis towards transactions under the framework of international emission trading. If innovative mechanisms are tied to sustainable development goals, this may mobilize the energyefficiency potentials of these countries. An attractive opportunity exists to achieve energy efficiency and emission reductions, utilizing the revenues from allowance sales through ‘green investment’ schemes.

SEA and strategy formation theories: From three Ps to five Ps

A transition to environmentally sustainable societies should involve a significant and comprehensive — strategic — change. Much of the promise of SEA is associated precisely with its perceived capacity to facilitate such a strategic transformation by influencing selected ‘strategic decisions’. This paper examines the potential effectiveness and limitations of such an approach in light of contemporary organizational strategy theories. Most of these theories separate ‘strategies’ from ‘decisions’ and also transcend the notion of strategies as formal plans, policies and programs (PPPs). Instead, they consider strategies as “five Ps”, adding “Position”, “Perspective”, “Pattern” and “Ploy” to the “Plan”. Lessons from organizational strategy formation give rise to the following challenges for SEA theory and practice:1.How to assess and influence informal as well as formal aspects of strategic initiatives?2.How to extend SEA ‘beyond decisions’ to address ‘emergent strategies’ where strategic action is not necessarily preceded by a decision?3.How to ensure that knowledge provided as a result of SEA is strategically relevant and communicated to key players in strategy formation?4.How to deal with an uncontrollable and unpredictable environment in which strategic initiatives unfold?5.How to recognize those situations when SEA can have most strategic influence?

Kyoto flexibility mechanisms in EU accession countries: Will they make a difference?

What potential effect do flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol have on energy efficiency, fuel switching and the development of renewable energy sources for the eight post-communist EU Member States that accessed in 2004? These countries are chief candidates for hosting Joint Implementation (JI) projects and for participating in international emission trading, which may assist the implementation and financing of projects in these target areas. The potentials and barriers to Joint Implementation are reviewed, as well as the conditions under which international emission trading can influence the energy use of the selling country. Different strategies adopted by the host countries towards the application of these instruments, and their impact on sustainable energy development, are examined. The article concludes that the Kyoto flexibility mechanisms may play a positive, but rather limited, role in the sustainable energy development of the region, but the barriers to Joint Implementation may shift the emphasis towards transactions under the framework of international emission trading. If innovative mechanisms are tied to sustainable development goals, this may mobilize the energy-efficiency potentials of these countries. An attractive opportunity exists to achieve energy efficiency and emission reductions, utilizing the revenues from allowance sales through 'green investment' schemes. © 2007 Earthscan.