climate change mitigation

Energy security and climate change mitigation: The interaction in long-term global scenarios

Understanding the relationship between energy security and climate mitigation is critical for linking long-term global challenges with immediate national energy priorities.
This thesis examines energy security implications of climate mitigation policies. Using some 70 scenarios from six global Integrated Assessment Models, it shows how pursuing climate policies would affect the geopolitical balance, scarcity of resources, and diversity of energy options in the 21st century.

Thesis supervisor: 
Aleh Cherp
Thesis supervisor: 
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
Thesis topic: 
energy security
Thesis topic: 
climate change mitigation
Thesis topic: 
energy scenarios
Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 - 17:15 - 19:00
Event type: 
Stephen Boucher, Program Director for EU Climate Policies
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)

Opportunities for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Action in an Economic Crisis: Catalysing a Green Recovery

Presentations from the conference "Opportunities for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Action in an Economic Crisis: Catalysing a Green Recovery" at Central European University, October 20, 2009:

Presentations that can't be clicked on are currently unfortunately unavailable.

Keynote speeches

Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Director of 3CSEP, CEU:
Catalysing a Green Recovery: Opportunities through Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Action

Tuesday, 20 October, 2009 - 09:30 - 17:00
Event type: 
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
Harry Verhaar (Philips Corp.)
And many others
File attachments: 
Project status: 
Jan, 2009 - Dec, 2010
The working group on climate change mitigation (WG III) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published a comprehensive Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation to address the information needs of policy makers, private sector and civil society.
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